Our Mission
Is to provide high quality resources for those delving into designing a nursery or kid’s room. Along with interior design services, we also offer helpful blog posts, and a variety of amazing free designs already put together and ready for you to use if you’d like.
You want a spectacular room for your child, and we want to help you along the way!
Living Lullaby Inc. is owned and operated by mom and daughters Russanna Pott, Desiree Cook, and Danya Prado out of Denver, Colorado.

All of us love designing. All of us have kids. All of us wanted to create a company that we truly love and that will bless other people.

Desiree Cook
is an expert do-it-yourselfer and certified faux finisher (decorative wall painter). She is a wiz with a sewing machine and has a special place in her heart for re-purposing lost treasures. Her visions for what is possible for a room are often unexpected and creative. Her background in education is going to good use now that she’s staying home with her new baby boy. All who know her will tell you that Desiree has a delightfully unique and endearing way of looking at the world.

Rusanna Pott
has been in the design industry for the past 15 years. She has specialized in new construction and high end custom projects. She was part of a team who won several awards over several years in the Colorado parade of homes, and her work has been featured in many trade brochures and magazines. She brings to the table of wealth of knowledge about different product lines and the experience of working with a variety of types of clients. Her background as an artist gives her an exceptional eye for beauty and ambiance. She loves golf, traveling with her husband, and spoiling her grandbabies. Russanna’s caring and kind nature are a joy to whomever steps in her path.

Danya Prado
has a background in kitchen design and marketing. Her attention to detail and function give her a practical and balanced perspective to design. Her entrepreneurial spirit and vision are a driving force for the business. In her free time you might find her playing with her seven year old daughter, or singing with her band around town. Danya has a gift for appreciating beauty and efficiency in all forms.